All the live online sessions are organised via Zoom. They are standard video calls as then we can interact. The format is usually:

  • A presentation by my, with live demos
  • Activities for you to complete
  • QnA as we go along

The time set for the webinar allows for this interaction. If no-one speaks we’ll be done much sooner! If lots of people have questions, we may start to run over, in which case I’ll take questions and then respond to them after the session.

To attend you will need to be registered with Zoom. You can either watch online or on your desktop, if you’ve downloaded the Zoom app.

If you haven’t used Zoom before I suggest you click on the link a good 15 minutes before the meeting so that you have time to get set up.

Unfortunately not at this time; however, we will be registering with Qualiopi later in the year. If you like to stay informed, please sign up for our newsletter.